Wednesday, July 23, 2008


A hearty hello,
This is the first installment of what I hope to be an ongoing record of my first "real" trip outside the U.S. (apparently Juarez, Mexico doesn't count, according to anyone I've asked). I moved to Spain three days ago to be closer to my life partner, "La Mujer Pantera" and to get a little insight into other perspectives and ways of living. To be blunt, I've got a lot of beef with the U.S. and the philosophies and priorities contained therein. In all fairness, all but the most recent of my life's highlights have taken place there, the majority of the people I respect and care for come from there and I do not overlook the qualities that make it a place where great things are possible. However, I think it is obvious for anyone paying attention that the policies and trends sweeping through the nation are wreaking havoc on the global community, the environment, individual freedom...and basically anything that you can exploit or from which you can make a buck. The point of this blog is really just to keep my friends and family updated with my life while I'm abroad, to document my experiences in Spain as a first-time international traveler and to post various writings, which range from to sociopolitical treatises, to poetry, to observations and even the occasional rant or ramble. Comments are very welcome and encouraged. No topic or viewpoint is off the table, and I'll try edit any comments as little as possible.
Just a little background info on yours truly: I'm 25 years old and from the tiny desert town of Chaparral, New Mexico, just outside El Paso, Texas. Born and raised in these inhospitable and stimulation-barren conditions, I quickly discovered the wonders of music and my ability to play and compose it fairly well. As such, I've been a performing musician for over 10 years. At a young age I also became aware of the power, as well as my proclivity, in the written and spoken word, and have been engaged in creating my own in one form or another for many years. Thanks for checking out my page and be on the lookout for upcoming posts. Hasta Luego!